Looking for new plantings for a shady plot of land? Unfortunately, not all tree species will flourish if they don’t receive direct sunlight each day. That’s why its typically a good idea to select shade-tolerant species for these locations. Check out just a few of the tree species that thrive in low-light environments below!
Many people choose hemlock trees because they’re evergreen and won’t lose their foliage during the winter. They’re also able to withstand cold temperatures and will grow regardless of whether they’re positioned in the sun or in the shade. In fact, hemlock trees even prefer the shade in climates where temperatures can rise dramatically in the summer.
White Pine
White pines will grow to be some of the tallest trees around; these trees can reach heights of over 150 feet and are often planted to create extra privacy from neighboring properties. Just like hemlock trees, white pines are evergreens that perform well when placed in the shade.
Unlike hemlock and white pine trees, beech trees belong to a deciduous genus with leaves that fade to a light bronze color in the fall. But just like the evergreens mentioned above, beech trees have no problem surviving in the shade. They also create quite a bit of shade themselves with broad, low-hanging branches that reach out in a wide arc around their trunks.
Chestnuts are fast-growing deciduous trees that usually reach about 50 feet in height. These trees thrive in shade and don’t need much sun to grow in the spring and summer. They also produce edible nuts that provide a good food source for local wildlife.
These aren’t the only trees that will do well in shady areas. Other good options to consider include Port Orford cedar, wild grape, ninebark, serviceberry, viburnum, Virginia creeper, witch hazel, mountain ash, hornbeam and maple trees. To learn more, feel free to give us a call at (231) 464-5809 today!