Planting trees, bushes, plants and other shrubs is a nice way to increase the aesthetic appeal of a property as well as provide some shade and privacy. It is a pretty straightforward process to plant trees, shrubs and other plants, but the real question that often comes with a little bit of uncertainty is when… Read more »
Deer-ly Departed: Best Plants to Deter Deer
If you live in a nice country area, or you like to grow nice plants and trees, one of the major issues you might face is deer eating your garden or foliage. One option is to use a fence to keep deer out of specific areas on your property. However, deer are resilient, and can… Read more »

Plants and Safety: Picking Plants to Deter Burglars
Plants add life and character to your property. They are pretty to look at and allow us to be in touch with nature, even when our homes are located in the middle of suburbia. Some plants, though, offer more than just aesthetics; they can also help deter burglars and other home invaders. Most people think… Read more »

Late Season Planting: Tips for Success
While many think that the planting season comes to a full halt in fall, it can actually be a great time to plant shrubs, trees and certain other plants. There are also a number of excellent benefits to late-year planting. November and even December can be great months to plant, as long as you follow… Read more »

Preparing for Winter: Six Tasks to Do This Fall
Now that winter isn’t too far away, it is time to prepare your lawn and landscaping for the months to come and the cold weather associated with it. To make sure your landscape is ready, make sure to tackle these tasks before the snow starts falling. Clean Weeds Go through any plant beds around your… Read more »