Search Results for: mulberry

Essential Tree Species for Midwestern Wildlife Habitats

The Midwest region is home to a diverse array of ecosystems, each one supporting an equally varied mix of plant and animal species. Trees play a vital role in these habitats, providing food, shelter, and nesting sites for countless wildlife. From birds and mammals to insects and fungi, the health of the Midwest’s biodiversity is… Read more »

Consider Planting Fruit this Spring

Adding fruit trees to your property can provide some amazing benefits for you. Fruit trees will provide you with fresh fruit that you won’t have to look for in the grocery store during the spring and summer months. Seeing these trees blossom and bring fresh fruit will leave you with a smile on your face…. Read more »

The Benefits of Deciduous Plants

Cold Stream Farm is a wholesale/retail bare root tree and shrub nursery in Free Soil, Michigan. We offer a variety of plants for sale, including deciduous shrubs and trees. What are some things we think you should know about deciduous plants? Deciduous Meaning First things first– what does the word deciduous mean? It refers to… Read more »

Things to Know About Deciduous Plants

Cold Stream Farm is a wholesale/retail bare root tree and shrub nursery in Free Soil, Michigan. We offer a variety of plants for sale, including deciduous shrubs and trees. What are some things we think you should know about deciduous plants? Deciduous Meaning First things first– what does the word deciduous mean? It refers to… Read more »

Understanding a Wildlife Habitat

Successful wildlife habitats must include the essentials needed to sustain the life within them including food, water, and shelter. An important part of a wildlife habitat is plants, shrubs, and trees, all of which work to provide protection, shelter, and food, for wildlife. Every animal species requires different types of food to survive depending on… Read more »


Planting on a dry site? Try Spruce or Pine. Evergreens in general do their growing in the spring and largely shut down for the rest of the summer hence they tend to be the dominant tree in drier areas. They take advantage of the winter’s accumulation of moisture. By the time the summer heat has… Read more »