Black-eyed Susan (rudbeckia hirta)

Size Price Quantity
Spring Only-
1 - 3
4 - 24
25 - 99

Out of stock

SKU: SKU-72-GROUPED-1-1-1-1-1 Categories: , ,


Latin name: rudbeckia hirta
Zones: 3-7
Common names: black-eyed susan, brown-eyed susan, brown betty, gloriosa daisy, golden Jerusalem, English bull’s eye, poor-land daisy, yellow daisy, yellow ox-eye daisy

Mature height: 1-3′

Soil/Climate:  Easily grown in average well drained soils. Full sun

Notes:   Will spread through self seeding. Common in open woods, fields, and roadsides. Daisy like flowers 3 inches across. Blooms throughout the summer.

Wildlife:  bees, butterflies, birds
Cold Stream Farm supplies black-eyed susan plants which are grown as bare root seedlings and transplants and sold both wholesale and retail with no minimum order
Additional information on rudbeckia hirta
can be found on the link: USDA / NRCS PLANTS Database