Bare root plants are those with an exposed root structure. This means there is no heavy mud making transport more challenging. There are plenty of advantages to selecting and planting bare root trees and shrubs. For starters, plants with out mud weighing down the root ball are moved much more easily. This cuts down on… Read more »
bare root trees for sale
Plants Deers Won’t Eat
There’s no denying that American deer are beautiful, majestic creatures that can provide a breathtaking sight in the wild. In the backyards of our homes, however, they can be a major nuisance, especially when they nip at the tender foliage of our gardens for a little snack. Fortunately, there are some ways to keep deer… Read more »

Planting Redwoods on Your Land
The tall canopy created overhead when towering trees are allowed to grow to their full natural height creates an impressive skyline in any setting. We’re quick to point out the uses for the low shrub and bare root trees available through our wholesale store here on the Cold Stream Farm blog. However, redwoods, sequoias and… Read more »

Bark as a Life-Saving Filtration Device?
Plant life offers so many environmental benefits to our world. Aside from making our land a greener, more attractive place to live in, they help to clean the air and provide much needed shade during the summer months. There are few better ways to promote social and environmental health in our own backyards by cultivating… Read more »

Every Tree is a Christmas Tree
One could make the argument that December is one of the most important months for trees. Although frigid in some of the country with bare trees dotting the landscape like woodsy scarecrows, much of the country is going crazy over one tree – the Christmas tree, of course. Whether you like it or not, it… Read more »

This Year, Let’s Be Thankful for Trees
Thanksgiving is only a couple of days away and many are thinking about what they are thankful for in their lives. Not many are thankful for the trees that are all around them. After decades of neglect, people and countries all over the world are taking a stand against deforestation. It is, clearly, a negative… Read more »

Atlantic white cedar blues
At Cold Stream Farm, we consider planting trees to be one of our missions. One way we accomplish this is by selling bare root trees. We also do our best in supporting conservation efforts nationwide. To hear that a group of people is planting trees is music to our ears. One such effort is happening… Read more »

Bare root trees make great Christmas gifts
Think outside the box this holiday season and give a loved one a bare root tree! Although we’re currently in the midst of winter, it’s never too early to think about what trees you’re going to plant come springtime. At Cold Stream Farm, we believe preplanning is best. The same holds true when gifting a… Read more »