The Threat of American Brown Rot

Here at Cold Stream Farm, we offer our customers a wide range of deciduous trees to use in their landscaping design plans, including some intriguing fruit-bearing trees. From cherry to plum to apricot, our wholesale deciduous tree inventory contains some very fruity options, which will insert some sweet flavor into any outdoor grove. It’s of… Read more »

A New Way to See Healthy Trees

Could tree doctors be a new thing in the future? Well maybe not, but we are learning methods to check on the health of various trees, like the recent sonic tomograph used by the Urban Forestry division in Missoula. The Urban Forestry division has been cataloguing the trees among the streets all over Missoula, and… Read more »

Genetic Engineering, Trees and Carbon Fiber

Genetic engineering…still sounds the stuff of science fiction, doesn’t it? Well it seems nowadays everything is being genetically engineered, including trees. Moreover, some think of genetically engineering them so that they become giving trees. Trees already give us so much, like wood and paper, but in about fifty years, they may give us carbon fiber…. Read more »

Plants Deers Won’t Eat

There’s no denying that American deer are beautiful, majestic creatures that can provide a breathtaking sight in the wild. In the backyards of our homes, however, they can be a major nuisance, especially when they nip at the tender foliage of our gardens for a little snack. Fortunately, there are some ways to keep deer… Read more »

Planting Redwoods on Your Land

The tall canopy created overhead when towering trees are allowed to grow to their full natural height creates an impressive skyline in any setting. We’re quick to point out the uses for the low shrub and bare root trees available through our wholesale store here on the Cold Stream Farm blog. However, redwoods, sequoias and… Read more »

Bark as a Life-Saving Filtration Device?

Plant life offers so many environmental benefits to our world. Aside from making our land a greener, more attractive place to live in, they help to clean the air and provide much needed shade during the summer months. There are few better ways to promote social and environmental health in our own backyards by cultivating… Read more »

The Science of Old Trees [Video]

Here at Cold Stream Farm, we’re very interested in how our work can help to improve the environment and counteract the effects of pollution in neighborhoods across America. Shrubs, trees and various forms of plant life thrive off of the carbon given off by our cars, factories and more. The scientific world is always making… Read more »

How Do Trees Age?

Whether they are willing to admit it or not, most people are not looking forward to aging. Sure, young children may wish they were older and didn’t have to listen to their parents, but for most of us, aging is not fun. In fact, reducing and covering up signs of aging is a multibillion dollar… Read more »

Recycling Your Christmas Trees

Happy New Year! We are in the first week of 2014, which means only one thing: we are in the midst of Christmas tree recycling season. Yes, it is a very exciting time indeed! All across the nation, groups are being organized and initiatives being set so that people recycle their Christmas trees. San Antonio… Read more »

Every Tree is a Christmas Tree

One could make the argument that December is one of the most important months for trees. Although frigid in some of the country with bare trees dotting the landscape like woodsy scarecrows, much of the country is going crazy over one tree – the Christmas tree, of course. Whether you like it or not, it… Read more »

This Year, Let’s Be Thankful for Trees

Thanksgiving is only a couple of days away and many are thinking about what they are thankful for in their lives. Not many are thankful for the trees that are all around them. After decades of neglect, people and countries all over the world are taking a stand against deforestation. It is, clearly, a negative… Read more »