Michigan DNR Finds Our Forests Are Getting Older, Larger

With troubling headlines in the news about invasive species like the hemlock wooly adelgid and Asian longhorned beetle, many people have been understandably concerned about the health of Michigan’s forests in recent years. But although our state’s forests do face some considerable threats, there is some good news to be had, too. According to data… Read more »

Study Finds Urban Forestry Can Help Prevent Asthma Attacks

Asthma attacks affect millions of people each year, and elevated pollution levels in cities can make things even worse. Pollution is a contributing factor in many asthma attacks, particularly in densely-populated urban areas. The good news is, planting more trees could make a big difference for city-dwellers who suffer from asthma. Researchers at the University… Read more »

Did You Know Michigan is a Leading Producer of Christmas Trees?

A supply shortage is driving up Christmas tree prices in some areas this season, but the residents of Michigan shouldn’t have too much to worry about. That’s because our state is the third-leading producer of Christmas trees in the nation, with a harvest of roughly three million fresh trees each year.  It also produces the… Read more »

Detroit Launches Initiative to Plant 10,000 New Trees

Urban forestry doesn’t just make cities more attractive; it can make them healthier and more sustainable as well. Cities and towns that have an abundance of trees tend to have lower crime rates, higher property values and cleaner air. The air-purifying properties of trees are especially beneficial in industrial centers where smog and airborne particulates… Read more »

Shortages Expected to Cause Bump in Christmas Tree Prices

Is there a specific type of Christmas tree that you like to have in your home during the holiday season? If so, you may want to consider getting your tree early this year. That’s because a Christmas tree shortage could make hard to find some popular species of evergreens this year. The shortage is something… Read more »

Michigan Receives $600K Grant to Help Save Eastern Hemlocks

Despite efforts from state officials to stop the spread of the hemlock wooly adelgid (HWA), this invasive insect continues to pose a serious threat to Michigan’s hemlock trees. According to some estimates, there are currently 100 million hemlock trees in Michigan at risk of infection by the HWA. Fortunately, there might be a solution for… Read more »

A UK-Based Startup is Using Drones to Replant Forests

Every single year, billions of trees disappear from the planet as a result of a number of different factors. Fires, illegal logging, and environmental issues are just a few of the things that are causing trees to disappear in such staggeringly high numbers. But according to CBS News, a group in the UK has come… Read more »

Warm Weather Brings Fall Foliage to Michigan

The fall season brings gorgeous foliage to regions all across the country. Michigan tends to have a particularly beautiful display thanks to the sheer diversity of trees found in our great state. But weather also plays a role in how and when the leaves turn. So what can we expect for foliage this year? Right… Read more »

Trees in the Amazon Are Making Their Own Clouds and Rain

The Amazon rainforest is home to one of the unique ecosystems in the world, and scientists still have a great deal to learn about its subtle inner workings. One long-standing question about the Amazon concerns its rainy season. For years, researchers have wondered why rains in the Amazon begin months before seasonal winds start to… Read more »

Keep An Eye Out for the Invasive Asian Longhorned Beetle

Did you know that the maple trees in Michigan produce about 90,000 gallons of syrup each year? Unfortunately, Michigan’s maples could face a serious threat if the Asian longhorned beetles that have infested thousands of trees in Ohio make their way into Michigan. The beetles have recently wreaked havoc on approximately 18,000 trees in Ohio… Read more »

Researchers Finally Settle Debate Over Beech Trees’ Origin

Though you may not have realized it, European beech trees have been in the middle of an identity crisis dating back to the last Ice Age. That is, until now. Last month, researchers at the University of Stirling and Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture (SASA) finally put the long-running debate regarding the origins of… Read more »

Huge Leaf Database Helps Scientists Study Plant Morphology

Scientists can tell a lot about a plant by taking a closer look at its leaves. For years, researchers have been studying the unique features of these leaves to learn more about trends in different plant species. For example, scientists have found that trees that grow in colder environments and get plenty of access to… Read more »